How To Stay Motivated

Let me start by saying I know life can get really hard. There are absolutely times in life that you’re not going to be “on your A game”. And not only is that okay, that’s normal. Just like trees that go through different seasons, some of flourishing, and some of letting go and just being. We as humans do the same. I know this example has been used before, but the mental image of that tree still strong without leaves, gives me hope when I am in a winter type of season. I hope it does for you too.

With that being said, there are some tips and tricks to maintaining your focus and motivation.

I’ve said it before and you will hear it again, truly understand your ‘Why’. What is the biggest moving force behind your goals. While we all have surface goals, like getting ‘bikini ready’, those aren’t going to be enough to keep you going when your kids have kept you awake for the 5th night in a row and work is overwhelming and you got sick and had to take two weeks off.

Seriously take some time to yourself and think about what motivates you. Maybe you are trying to avoid certain illnesses that run in your family. Maybe you know making healthy changes are going to help you be around longer for your loved ones. Whatever that deep reason is, allow yourself to truly acknowledge it. I know this can feel scary. Sometimes saying our goals out loud can feel like it means failure is now possible. But failure is always possible, wither you are trying to achieve something or not. No choice is a choice.

Maybe it feels scary because you have to fully accept that the thing you are working against (such as an illnesses that runs in the family) is a real threat.

But know this. Your why is your power. All of these things that you are working against are already a part of your life. And that unfortunately is something we can’t control. But what we can control is how we react. By taking steps to make healthy choices, little by little, you can achieve greatness. You can reach your goals. You are capable of what you previously thought was impossible.

Let your Why, your reason, carry you through the heavier times.

You’ve got this.



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